

上海外国语大学战略计划转换2030​, calls upon the campus to “gain a national and global reputation for academic excellence characterized by scholarly and professional contributions from faculty members who 是真正的教师学者吗.” To make this possible, we have developed five broad hiring themes that enable us to say, “The Future of California starts here.”

The following themes were developed from the hiring requests made by the departments 在三年的招聘计划过程中. 这些主题聚焦于校园的核心优势 while meeting critical need areas in particular disciplines, and are cross-cut by our commitment to recruiting and retaining highly diverse tenure-track faculty. 

  • 数据分析与设计思维: We live in a world of “big” and “little” data, where terabytes of information are flowing faster across space and time than ever before. 这个宽泛的主题试图吸引 faculty with an interest in data analytics and design thinking, meaning the development of innovations that are focused on the context in which a challenge may arise, examining questions around ethics, privacy, and accessibility, amongst other critical social 问题.

  • 民族研究教育: More than an “accounting” of histories that are “outside the historical canon,” Ethnic Studies education creates a challenge to the historical framings of how teaching and 学习应该起作用. Working up from cultural experiences to frame new social understandings of how students learn and how we teach is an essential part of what 菠菜网lol正规平台 should do 和想要做的事情走向未来.

  • 卫生公平和卫生基础设施: Despite the rapid evolution of pharmaceutical sciences, surgery systems, alternative therapies, and integrative medicine, there remain massive gaps in health outcomes 跨越大大小小的社区. 这个广泛的主题旨在招募具有 a commitment to addressing the health outcomes gap through strategies to enhance public health and social welfare systems, working in health science, the physical and life sciences and engineering as well as the social sciences, education, and humanities.

  • Social Robotics and Human-Robotic Technology Relations: From the emergence of natural language processing to assistive robots in recuperative therapy and mental health research, robotic technologies are ubiquitous in our everyday 生活. From hardware to software and from ethics to politics, we seek faculty trained in the “work of robots” and whose work explores how such advances impact the widening gap between those who have access to such technologies and those who do not.

  • 可持续未来与地球系统科学: Some would argue we have entered the Anthropocene, a period of time where human-induced change to the environment has outstripped the processes that have changed Earth over 数百万年. The science of sustainability and Earth Systems helps us understand the human ability to mitigate that change and adapt to new resilient systems that 能让我们维持这个星球吗. 这一领域的学者从事跨学科研究 conversations that ask not only what the science tells us about climate change, but 科学是如何被接受和解释的.

We look forward to welcoming new faculty in the coming years whose work connects to these critical themes that showcase how 菠菜网lol正规平台 is developing a national and global reputation 为了卓越的研究.