研究和 Experimental 心理学 MA 程序

的 Master of Arts 程序 in 研究和 Experimental 心理学 affords its candidates an opportunity for advanced study of psychological theory and research techniques with the following objectives in mind:

  • To succeed in business, industry and/or a research setting: Our program's emphasis on the mastery of statistical and methodological procedures, research experience, and critical thinking produces graduates that are well suited for many careers in business, government, and/or an array of research settings.
  • 获得博士学位.D. 心理学: 的 coursework and experience obtained in the 研究和 Experimental 心理学 MA 程序 is designed to enhance students' credentials when applying to highly competitive 博士课程.

强调的是 研究和 Experimental 心理学 MA program is on psychological theory and research skill development. Admission to the 程序 is based on an adequate undergraduate background in psychology and other disciplines. 课程 selected for concentrations of study commensurate with the objectives listed above probably require specific prerequisites or their equivalent. Students who do not have an adequate background in psychology to pursue a specific concentration should expect to spend extra time completing work before applying for the degree. 具体课程 comprising the program of study for a concentration are selected in consultation with the 研究和 Experimental 心理学 M.A. 项目协调人.


Interim Graduate Coordinator, 研究和 Experimental 心理学 MA 程序
San Jose State University
College of 社会科学s
Department of 心理学
Dudley Moorhead Hall 316
San Jose, CA 95192-0120


Application Information

  • Application Information and Instructions
  • Application period October 1 through 2月1日
  • 截止日期: 2月1日
  • 仅限秋季入学
  • 注意: GRE no longer required or considered for admission.
  • Applications are reviewed by committee in Feb and March, and decisions go out by mid-March (约20)