


林教授 has concertized throughout the United States, Italy, Mexico, the Philippines, and 台湾. He is acclaimed by 古典吉他 Magazine as "a confident player with a powerful sound, quick hands, and a solid musical memory" and praised by American guitar virtuoso Eliot Fisk as a performer who "plays with an innate and uncommon elegance."

Professor Lin was the first prize winner at the 2006 Boston GuitarFest Competition and the 2001 East Carolina University Guitar Competition. He has performed at Mérida Yucatán Guitar Festival, Yale Guitar Extravaganza, L'Accademia 音乐ale Chigiana, ChitarraImperia Festival, and Stetson Guitar Workshop.

A recording artist for VGo 录音, Professor Lin has released three albums. 的 首先, 艾略特·菲斯克系列卷. 1 (VG1013), is a joint effort with guitarist Joseph Williams II and La Bella 字符串, and was dubbed "innovative and exciting" by Minor 7th Acoustic Guitar 音乐 Reviews. 他的第二个 CD, 画像(VG1015), features the Latin American compositions of Agustín Barrios and Antonio Lauro, which 古典吉他 Magazine called "brilliant" and "virtuosic.“他的第三张专辑,”A Path Less Trod" features the Black Cedar Trio, performing original works for flute, cello, and guitar.

In addition to his work as a concert guitarist, he is regularly engaged in community 还有教育音乐会. Beginning in 2005, he founded Boston Guitar Project, which organized over twenty performances annually, ranging from benefit concerts for disaster relief, music hours for nursing homes and hospitals, and fund raiser concerts for local non-profits throughout the Greater Boston Area. Now living in the San Francisco Bay Area, he continues his work through the 南湾吉他协会 and his own outreach initiative, reaching churches, libraries, and schools. In 2010, he was the recipient of a grant from Yale AlumniVentures to carry out in-class performances at public schools 在湾区.

In November 2009, Professor Lin premiered Journey into Desire by Lei Liang; the commission was made possible by support from the 硅谷 Community Foundation and the 南湾吉他协会. Journey into Desire is based on the Chinese novel Dreams from the Red Chamber, and it was given its Asian premier at the first Philippine International Guitar Festival in Manila in 2010. He has also commissi一个d works by Mu-Xuan Lin, David McMullin, Nomi Epstein, Joseph Johnson, Matthew McConnell, and Colin Stack.

In 2008, Professor Lin was coached by composer Helmut Lachenmann in preparation for 的表演。...请来两Gefuhle...', Musik mit Leonardo with Stephen Drury and the 街头游行的配偶. He has performed with Boston Microtonal Society's NotaRiotous, a chamber ensemble dedicated to promoting microtonal music. 他还出现在 New England Conservatory's Summer Institute for Contemporary Performance Practice (SICPP) and on the New Gallery Concert Series of Boston.

Professor Lin earned his D.M.A. & B.M. from New England Conservatory and his M.M. 在耶鲁音乐学院. His primary teachers have included Eliot Fisk, Oscar Ghiglia, Lorenzo Micheli, Wei-Ren Chuang, Ronald Purcell, and Ronald Borczon. 在他自由的时候 time, he is a great home cook and avid badminton player.

访问 史蒂文·林's Personal Website

Listen to 史蒂文·林's 录音