
We require all of our students to touch base every semester with the BME Graduate 顾问.

At the beginning of every semester, an 建议持有 is put in place that prevents students from registering for classes for the following semester without prior discussion and approval of their course plan by the Graduate 顾问. 学生 are required to submit the appropriate advising form to the Graduate 顾问 each semester. 在 advising form, the student summarizes their progress and indicate the classes they wish to enroll in for the subsequent semester. The Graduate 顾问 will review the proposed classes and may recommend changes. Upon approval of the advising form, the Graduate 顾问 will remove the 建议持有 on the student’s records, enabling the student to register for classes for the following semester.

For graduate students, a meeting with the Graduate 顾问 is not strictly required to have their 建议持有 removed. If the student has a clear idea about their next steps toward graduation and the courses they need to take the following semester, submitting a complete Advising Form (via Google 形式) is sufficient to have their 建议持有 removed.

However, if the student has any doubts or concerns about their progress toward graduation, or the classes to take next, they should book an appointment with the Graduate 顾问 (see instructions below). Advising appointments are booked via 斯巴达式的连接 and hold on Zoom.

Below are the steps to have your 建议持有 removed.


Step 1: book an appointment with the Graduate 顾问

You can book an appointment during Dr. Wang's advising hours via 斯巴达式的连接. For Fall 2022, her advising hours are on Tuesdays from 1:00 to 3:00PM. When you book your appointment, please take note of the Zoom link for your appointment.

Booking an appointment with the Graduate 顾问 is recommended, but not required.

If the advising hours available in 斯巴达式的连接 conflict with your schedule, please email the Graduate 顾问 (云.wang@brandonmchose.com) to discuss a different arrangement.

Please remember to cancel your current appointment if you are not able to make it, before creating a new appointment.  

你可以参考 斯巴达式的连接 Guide [pdf] to learn how to log in to 斯巴达式的连接 and how to create an advising appointment. If you are not able to cancel your appointment or have difficulties scheduling an appointment on 斯巴达式的连接, please contact biomedical-engineering@brandonmchose.com.


Step 2: submit your advising form (required)

You should complete and submit the MS BME Advising Form for Spring 2023 before you meet with the Graduate 顾问, even if you are not sure about your plan. This form will be a starting point, to be further discussed and refined with the Graduate 顾问.

You can watch the video below for detailed instructions on how to fill out the Advising Form.


Step 3: meet with the Graduate 顾问 at the time of your booked appointment

This is the final step, in most cases. You will have to use the Zoom link shared by your advisor in 斯巴达式的连接. (菠菜网lol正规平台 authentication is required to log into the 变焦会议.)
You will be placed in a waiting room until your advisor is ready to meet with you. It is possible that you may have to wait few minutes.

At the meeting your advisor and you will reach an agreement on the classes you will be taking in Spring 2023. At the end of the meeting, your advisor will remove your 建议持有.